The Basics of Share Trading
A stock trader, or common stock trader is somebody or a company involved in trading common equity securities such as stocks and bonds. Some common stock traders are investment bankers and traders, and sometimes brokers. These traders may also be […]

A stock trader, or common stock trader is somebody or a company involved in trading common equity securities such as stocks and bonds. Some common stock traders are investment bankers and traders, and sometimes brokers. These traders may also be employed by brokerage firms as well. These companies are able to create and manage an extensive array of financial transactions and exchanges. Stock markets may operate twenty-four hours a day with a wide range of trading hours. Some exchanges may not operate after standard business hours.
Short term investing refers to buying and selling shares very quickly. This type of investing is extremely popular with people who want to get involved in investing but do not have the time to do so. Common short-term investments include the likes of options, currencies, CD’s, money market accounts, and GIC’s. There are also instances when short term trading is referred to as day trading. These are times when individuals trade shares for short periods of time and then sell the same shares or securities within a few minutes to a couple hours.
There are many ways that investors make money from the stock market. Most investors use their investment funds to buy shares. The most popular way of doing this is through buying and selling shares through what is known as an exchange. The various exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the NASDAQ (national association of securities dealers (NASDAQ), the AMEX (asset investment exchange), the OTCBB (over-the-counter electronic communication network), and the futures and options exchanges.
Longer term investing refers to investing for growth or income. Some of the ways that long term investors to make money from the stock market includes borrowing funds from investors to invest, buying shares in an effort to grow capital, holding shares to increase their portfolio value, and holding shares in order to take advantage of a falling stock market. Stocks that have a longer term of a few days to a month can be bought low and sold for a profit. In this type of investing the investor usually purchases shares at a price that is lower than the current cost and then re-purchase them when the price has increased since purchase. Some common types of this longer term investing include: long put and long call investing, bull market investing, and the spread investing method.
If you have decided to start trading on your own, you will first need to open a trading account that allows you to trade online. If you already have a brokerage account, you may use the same one to sign up for trading. When you start trading, it is important to follow the rules and guidelines that are set forth by your brokerage. For example, you may not be allowed to trade on certain stocks unless you have them in your investing account. You will also be instructed to follow the trading hours in your chosen brokerage.
In order for traders to win more trades and make more money, they must understand the signals that are given out by the brokerage. They must then act quickly and follow through with their plans. Traders who understand how to read the markets will do well and these are the investors who will make the big bucks. Most people who become successful with trading stocks tend to have a background in finance or investing, so they understand how the markets work and are able to apply their knowledge to making good trading decisions.